Most companies are aware of the risks inherent in digital communications and transaction, but very few have the workforce, or attention span, to monitor every trending scam and protect against those threats. Instead, they adopt security standards at a lagging pace, and that can cost your company money. For example, the CEO phishing scam that has bilked companies for over $2 billion dollars. It highlights the critical nature of network security combined with the need for physical checks as well.
"Please approve this transfer..."
These scams usually operate by the digital assailants getting into your network with the ability to send emails from accounts that look as though they were sent from legitimate accounts. So, they will compose an email from the CEO to the CFO, controller, or other main accounting personnel that approves money transfers and request a wire transfer. The accounting department approves the payable with the real CEO never being the wiser.
Two Vulnerabilities
The gaps in your network security can use the help of a managed network solutions provider that does have the human resources and attention span to monitor the trending scams and can help you guard against the commonly used holes in your system. By working with a reputable provider, you can stitch up your security and prevent most hacks from getting off of the ground.
Second to elevating network security, your company needs to institute people-based, different protocols that are required before money ever leaves the company. These days paper trails are quickly becoming a thing of the past, so a phone call authentication procedure or even a multi-part challenge process, similar to logging into your bank accounts, can help protect your company from losing thousands to millions to these ploys.
Managed Services Can Complement Your Existing Efforts
Whatever path you take for your network security, utilizing a managed network services provider can help cover your blind spots and enhance your organization's position in the digital universe.