When it’s time to replace your copier you want it to fit all your criteria. The problem with choosing criteria is that you might not be aware of some functions that vary on individual copiers. To ensure that you do not overspend or end up with the wrong machine for your office, consider the following ways copiers can differ.
Common Copier Options
Print Speed When looking at page prints per minute(ppm), it’s up to you to decide what best fits your needs. The general range of speed is from 25 ppm to over 65 ppm. You want to make sure your copier can handle the output you are expecting, but there's no need to overspend if you are ok with slower print speeds.
Print Quality Consider what types of documents you will be creating. Are you mainly distributing materials in-house? If so, then print quality does not need to be highly considered. On the other hand, if you want to create special projects like pamphlets then prioritize print quality.
Color Not every copier needs to have the ability to make color documents. If you know you are only producing text files, then you can save some money on a strictly monochrome copier.
Energy Efficiency If your business has sustainability goals, then look for a copier that will help you reach them. There are options available for companies who are looking to go green.
Security Features Securing your copier should be a priority. Many people forget that copiers hold the data of print jobs that they process. Ask questions about backing up the hard drive and how to destroy and protect your data down the road when you need to replace your copier.
Service Coverage Service maintenance can be a great addition to your copier purchase. Not all copier dealers will include service so be sure you fully understand the extent of your purchase.
The Perfect Fit
By narrowing down what exactly, you are looking for you will end up with a copier that does exactly what you need. For some companies, a copier that quickly produces text documents is great while for others it's quality prints that they are happy to show off.
Let us help you find the perfect copier, contact us today.